ut 01.11.2016 Part A: Hiking
Trasa: Marianka, nám. -> Sekyl 422m -> Písaný kameň -> Kačín -> Železná studienka -> Patrónka
Lokalita: Marianka/Bratislava, S l o v e n s k o
Vzdialenosť: 15,04 km  |  Priemerná rýchlosť: 3,8 km/h  |  Kalórie: 880 Cal  |  Celkový čas: 4:24:22
Stúpanie: 279 m  |  Klesanie: 301 m  |  Min. n.v.: 197 m  |  Max. n.v.: 432 m  |  Teplota: 12,2 °C

Part B: Trening: FTIV W7D1 “Icefort”
Phase 1: Warmup
10min Run (Tempo: 5min slow 9km/h, 3min normal 11km/h, 2min fast 13km/h)
(Total Distance: 1.73km, Average speed: 10.38km/h, 143 Cal)

Phase 2: Strength
8 Rounds:
1: Back Squat
Chase by:
2: 5 Mix Grip Pull-up
Rest 120s
      Note: Mix Grip - jedna ruka nadhmatom a druhá podhmatom. Ruky meniť po sériách, tá čo bola nadhmat ide podhmat a naopak.
      Round #1:    8 Back Squat @50kg, 5 Mix Grip Pull-up^
      Round #2:    8 Back Squat @70kg, 5 Mix Grip Pull-up^
      Round #3:    6 Back Squat @90kg, 5 Mix Grip Pull-up^
      Round #4-8: 2 Squat 80%RM @102kg, 5 Mix Grip Pull-up*
(Time: 23:30, 40 Pull-Ups, ^: Rozcvičovacia, *: Pracovná)

Phase 3: Conditioning
10 Rounds:
1: 4 Deadlifts
2: 6 Facing Burpee over bar
      Note: Burpee s preskokom cez činku s tvárou k činke!
      Round #1-4:  4 Deadlift @80kg, 6 Facing Burpees
      Round #5-10: 4 Deadlift 70%RM @100kg, 6 Facing Burpees
(Time: 14:50, 40 Deadlifts, 60 Burpees)

Phase 4: Cooldown
10min Run (Tempo: 5min fast 13km/h, 5min slow 9km/h)
(Distance: 1.81km, Average speed: 10.86km/h, Split Time 1km: 4:43, 147 Cal)

st 02.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W7D2 “Late night”

Phase 1: Warm-Up
1500m Run (Time: 8:32, Average speed: 10.55km/h, 125 Cal)

Phase 2: Primer
10min Spinning Bike
      Each Minute Work: 24s, 36s, 45s, 36s, 45s, 24s, 36s, 45s, 36s, 45s
      Note: Každú minútu ideš uvedených počet sekúnd pracovnej série.

Phase 3: Strength
6 Rounds:
Rest 120s
      Round #1:   10 Deadlift @60kg^
      Round #2:   8 Deadlift @80kg^
      Round #3:   6 Deadlift @100kg^
      Round #4-6: 2 Deadlift 85%RM @123kg
(Time: 13:25, ^: Rozcvičovacie série)

Phase 4: Conditioning
2 Rounds (Activation):
2 Squat @60kg

6 Rounds:
1: 2 Squat 70%RM @90kg
2: 4 Strict C2B Pull-up
3: 8 Swing @KB24kg
(Time: 8:06)

Phase 5: Abdominal Cooldown
4 Rounds Tabata 20s/10s:
1: Bicycles Crunches
2: Scissors [Vertical strihy]
3: Heel touches [Vytacanie k pate]
št 03.11.2016 Trening: "The Crusher"

Phase 1: Strong I Conditioning
10 Rounds:
20m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
   & 20m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push]
      Round #1-2: @5kg,    #3-4: @10kg,    #5-6: @20kg
      Round #7-8: @30kg,   #9-10: @40kg
(Total Time: 18:10, Distance: 400m)

Phase 2: Strong II Conditioning
5 Rounds:
1: 80m Overhead Rope Carry
2: 12+12 Sledgehammer Slams [Kladivo]
(Time: 15:45, Rope Carry Distance: 400m, Sl.Slams: 120x)

Phase 3: Strength
4 Rounds:
1: Barbell Incline Bench Press
      Round #1: 12@40kg, #2: 12@50kg, #3: 10@50kg, #4: 10@50kg
2: 10 Neutral Grip Pull Ups [neutralne zhyby]
(Time: 12:00)

Phase 4: Afterparty
4 Rounds:
1: Rear Delt Seated Fly Machine [Zadne delty v sede na stroji]:
      Round #1: 20@23kg, #2: 15@23kg, #3: 15@23kg, #4: 15@18kg
2: 12 Leg Raise on Parallel Bars [Dvih noh na bradlach]
(Time: 8:40)
pi 04.11.2016 Rest day
so 05.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W7D3 “Captain”

Phase 1: Primer
AMRAP 10min:
1: 10 Burpee to target
2: 20s L-sit hold
3: 30 Air Squat
(Total: 5 Rounds + 1 rep.)

Phase 2: Strength
10 Rounds:
Barbell Bench press
Rest 90s
      Round #1-4:  10 Bench press 49% @60kg
      Round #5-8:  4 Bench press 70% @85kg
      Round #9-10: 4 Bench press 77% @95kg
(Time: 17:45)

Phase 3: Conditioning
6 Rounds:
1: 10 OH Lunges @20kg
2: 10 T2B
(Time: 12:08)

Phase 4: After party
4 Rounds:
10 Barbell Biceps Curls
      Round #1: 10@30kg, #2: 10@30kg, #3: 10#30kg, #4: 10@20kg

4 Rounds:
10 Parallel Bar dips [Tricepsové kliky na bradlach]

3 Rounds:
12 Lateral Delt Raise [Upažovanie v stoji s jednoručkami]
      Round #1: 12@10kg,  #2: 6@10kg+6@6kg,  #3: 6@10kg+6@6kg

3 Rounds:
12 Rear Delft Fly [Rozpažovanie v predklone s jednoručkami]
      Round #1: 12@10kg,  #2: 12@10kg,  #3: 12@10kg

(Total Time: 1:25)
ne 06.11.2016 Trening: STRONGMAN s Lubom "Tagarth"

Phase 1: Warm-Up
3 Rounds:
10 Pull-Ups [zhyby]

Phase 2: Strongman
3 Rounds (Interval 30s/0s):
1: Weighted Push-Ups [kliky so záťažou]: 20@0kg, 22@0kg, 15@20kg
2: Reverse Sled Drag [Sane vzad]: 24m@50kg, 16m@70kg, 24m@70kg
3: 10 KB Goblet Box Squat [Drep s KB po dotyk s lavičkou] @20kg
4: 16m Prowler Rope Pulling [pritahovanie prowlera lanom]
   & 16m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
         Round #1: @10kg, #2: @26kg, #3: @26kg
5: 14 Sledgehammer Slams [Kladivo]
6: 12 Isometric Bear Plank with leg rotation to side
7: Rest 90s

Phase 3: Conditioning
5 Rounds:
20m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push] @20kg

Phase 4: Strong
4 Rounds:
1: 5 Tire flip
2: 5 Burpee
(Time: 6:30, 20 reps of each)

Phase 5: Afterparty
6 Rounds:
1: 5 Pull-Ups [zhyby]
2: 5 Parallel Bar dips [Tricepsové kliky na bradlach]
(Time: 6:00, 30 reps of each, Total Pull-Ups: 60x)
po 07.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W8D1 “Weightlifting”

Phase 1: Primer
5min Easy Run (Distance: 1.04km, Average speed: 12.48km/h, 86 Cal)

10min Clean [Premiestnenie]
1: 10 Muscle Clean [Silové premiestnenie, hrubou silou – nie je tam spád pod činku] @20kg
2: 10 Power Clean [Premiestnenie do polohy kedy sa panva nedostane pod úroveň kolien] @20kg
3: 10 Squat Clean [Premiestnenie s drepom a postaviť sa, alebo premiestniť rovno do drepu] @20kg
      Note: Nácvik Cleanu po dobu 10 minút pekne krok za krokom.

Phase 2: Strength
6 Rounds:
10 Back Squat
Rest 120s
      Round #1-3: 10 Back Squat @60kg^
      Round #4-6: 10 Back Squat 70%RM @90kg
(Time: 17:35, ^: Rozvičovacie)

Phase 3: Conditioning I
5 Rounds:
1: 3 Hang Power Clean @35kg
2: 6 Box Jump @52cm
3: 12 Push-up [kliky]
      Note: Hmotnosť pri Cleane - ľahká, môžeš ju upraviť podľa pocitu z fázy 1. Neponáhľať sa, ťažké to bude ešte veľa krát, ale tam už bude technika vyladená. V tomto tréningu je dôraz iba na techniku, nie na hmotnosť.
(Time: 5:44)

Phase 4: Conditioning II
3 Rounds:
1: 10 Hang Power Clean @35kg
2: 5 Pull-Up [zhyby]
(Time: 14:50)
ut 08.11.2016 Trening: STRONGMAN s Lubom "Wild Ranger"

Phase 1: Warm-Up
2 Rounds:
Pull-Ups [zhyby]: 12, 8

Phase 2: Strongman
3 Rounds (Interval 30s/30s):
1: Step Back Lunge w/ KB @12kg: 13x, 12x, 13x
2: 15m Forward Sled Pulls [Sane vpred] @100kg
3: R e s t
4: 15m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
   & 15m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push]
      Round #1: @50kg,    #2: @66kg,    #3: @76kg
5: Sledgehammer Slams [Kladivo]: 15x, 17x, 15x
6: Plank with Alternating Hip Flexion (Stability Ball)

Phase 3: Strong Afterparty
4 Rounds:
10m Prowler Rope Pulling in pair [pritahovanie prowlera lanom vo dvojici]
   & 10m High Bar Prowler Push in pair [vysoky prowler push vo dvojici]
      Round #1: @140kg,   #2: @160kg,   #3: @180kg,   #4: @180kg

Phase 4: Cooldown
2 Rounds:
10 Pull-Ups [zhyby]

(Total Pull-Ups: 40x)
st 09.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W8D2 “Perfection”

Phase 1: Primer
EMOM 10min:
1: 6 Burpee
2: 10 KB Swing @16kg
(Total: 60 Burpees, 100 Swings)

Phase 2: Learning
10min Clean learning
1: 10 Muscle Clean @20kg
2: 10 Power Clean @20kg
3: 10 Squat Clean @20kg

Phase 3: Strength
6 Rounds:
Rest 120s
      Round #1:   10 Deadlift @60kg,    Round #2:   8 Deadlift @80kg
      Round #3:   4 Deadlift @110kg
      Round #4-6: 2 Deadlift 85%RM @123kg*
(Total Time: 15:30, *: Pracovné)

Phase 4: Conditioning
3 Rounds:
1: 10 Hang Power Clean @35kg
2: 10 Pull-up
3: 10 Sit-up
      Note: Hmotnosť na Cleanoch zvoľ takú, že pri urobení 10 opakovaní máš rezervu ešte na 4.
(Time: 7:50)

Phase 5: Clean Learning
4 Rounds:
Hang Power Clean
      Round #1: 10@35kg, #2: 3@50kg, #3: 3@50kg, #4: 5@50kg
št 10.11.2016 Trening: "Snowfeet"

Phase 1: Primer
10 Rounds:
1: 20m Run
2: 20m Lunges
(Time: 10:18)

Phase 2: Strength
4 Rounds:
1: Barbell Incline Bench Press
      Round #1: 10@40kg, #2: 10@50kg, #3: 10@60kg, #4: 8@65kg
2: 7 Neutral Grip Pull Ups [neutralne zhyby]
(Time: 11:50)

Phase 3: Conditioning
4 Rounds:
1: 12 Incline 15° Bench Dumbbell Fly @12kg
2: 100 Jump Rope - Single Unders
(Time: 12:30)

Phase 4: Strong Cooldown
5 Rounds:
15m Prowler Rope Pulling [pritahovanie prowlera lanom] @25kg
   & 15m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push] @25kg
(Time: 10:40)

pi 11.11.2016 Trening: "Morningmane"

1500m Swimming [Plavanie] #57 (60x25m) @Bratislava-Petržalka, Slovakia
so 12.11.2016 Rest day
ne 13.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W8D3 “DJI”

Phase 1: Primer
7 Rounds:
1: 5 Deadlift @30kg
2: 5 Hang Power Clean @30kg
3: 5 Strict Press @30kg
4: 40m Run
      Note: Kľudné tempo, kvalita a plný rozsah pohybu sú základom.
(Total Time: 9:55)

Phase 2: Weightlifting
4 Rounds:
2 Hang Power Clean
Rest 90s
      Note: S každou sériou si pridaj hmotnosť ale iba do strednej ťažkej hmotnosti. Stále je na prvom mieste technika a plynulosť pohybu blízko tela.
      Round #1: @50kg,   #2: @55kg,   #3: @60kg,   #4: @60kg
(Time: 7:40)

4 Rounds:
2 Clean High Pull @50kg
Rest 90s
      Note: Činku berieš zo zeme ako pri mŕtvom ťahu. Hmotnosť na činke ako v poslednej sérií Hang Power Cleanov a vyššia.
(Time: 6:00)

Phase 3: Strength
6 Rounds:
Back Squat
      Round #1: 6@60kg,   #2: 4@90kg,   #3: 4@100kg
      Round #4-6: 2 Squat 85%RM @110kg
(Time: 14:50)

Phase 4: After party
3 Rounds:
10 Biceps Curls
      Round #1: @25kg,    #2: @27.5kg,    #3: @27.5kg
(Time: 5:00)

3 Rounds:
10 Weighted Parallel Bar dips [Tricepsové kliky na bradlách so záťažou]
      Round #1: @12kg,     #2: @16kg,     #3: @28kg
(Time: 4:40)

      Next (Note): Doplnkový blok na ramená. Upažovanie v stoji a rozpažovanie v predklone s jednoručkami. Oba cviky vykonajte s dôrazom na kvalitu a nie čo najťažšie jednoručky. Hmotnosť jednoručiek zvoľte tak aby ste mali rezervu 1 opakovanie v každej sérii.
3 Rounds:
12 Lateral Delt Raise
      Round #1: @10kg,     #2: @10kg,     #3: @8kg
(Time: 4:50)

3 Rounds:
12 Rear Delft Fly @10kg
(Time: 5:05)
po 14.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W9D1 “Sweater”

Phase 1: Primer
3 Rounds:
      1: 5 Deadlift @35kg
      2: 40m Run
3 Rounds:
      1: 5 Power Clean @35kg
      2: 40m Run
3 Rounds:
      1: 5 Clean and Press @35kg
      2: 40m Run
(Time: 8:03)

Phase 2: Weightlifting
8 Rounds:
2 Power Clean
      Note: Prvé 3 dvojky sú hmotnostný build-up (^). Nasleduje 5 pracovných sérií (hmotnosť stredne ťažká, dôraz na techniku prevedenia).
      Round #1-3: @50kg^,     Round #4-8: @55kg

Phase 3: Strength
6 Rounds:
Bench press
Rest 120s
      Round #1-2: 10 Bench press @60kg,    Round #3: 5 Bench press @70kg
      Round #4-6: 10 Bench press 70%RM @85kg
(Time: 18:00)

Phase 4: Conditioning
5 Rounds:
1: 30s Box Jump @50cm:     11, 11, 11, 11, 11
2: 30s Rest
3: 30s Burpee:     9, 9, 9, 9, 9
4: 30s Rest
5: 30s Pull-Up:     10, 10, 9, 9, 9
6: 30s Rest
      Note: Tvoje skóre je celkový počet výskokov na box, angličákov a zhybov
(Score: 147)

ut 15.11.2016 Trening: "The Vulture"

Phase 1: WOD “OMAR”
For Time:
1: 10 Thrusters @43kg
2: 15 Bar-Facing Burpees
3: 20 Thrusters @43kg
4: 25 Bar-Facing Burpees
5: 30 Thrusters @43kg
6: 35 Bar-Facing Burpees
(Time: 17:50, Counts: 60 Thrusters & 75 Burpees)

Phase 2: Strength
2 Rounds:
10 Hang Power Clean @43kg

Phase 3: Strong-Conditioning
6 Rounds:
16m Prowler Rope Pulling [pritahovanie prowlera lanom]
   & 16m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
      Round #1: @25kg,   #2: @25kg,   #3: @25kg
      Round #4: @35kg,   #5: @45kg,   #6: @45kg
(Time: 17:30)
st 16.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W9D2 “Engine Builder”

Phase 1: Primer
10min Run (Distance: 2.05km, Average speed: 12.30km/h, 172 Cal)

Phase 2: Weightlifting
1 Round:
10 Power Clean @20kg

6 Rounds:
1: 3,3,2,2,1,1 Power Clean
Chase by 2: 5 Strict C2B Pull-Ups
60s Rest
      Note: Ťažší Power Clean. Nehľadáme maximum ale môžeme mať pocit, že to bolo ťažké. Stále platí pravidlo, že technika je prvoradá.
      Round #1-2: 3 Power Clean @50kg   +   5 Pull-Ups
      Round #3-4: 2 Power Clean @55kg   +   5 Pull-Ups
      Round #5-6: 1 Power Clean @60kg   +   5 Pull-Ups
(Time: 8:45)

Phase 3: Conditioning
7 Rounds - EMOM 21min:
1.min: 12 Burpees
2.min: 12 KB Swing @24kg
3.min: 5 Power Clean 83% z poslednej série vo fáze 2 @50kg
      Note: 7 kôl troch minútoviek. Tempo si zvoľ rozumne, máš vždy celú minútu.
(Total: 84 Burpees/Swings, 35 Power Cleans @50kg)

Phase 4: Leg Strength
4 Rounds:
1: Leg Extension: 10@64kg, 8@64kg, 10@41kg, 12@41kg
2: 10 Dumbbell Jump Squat @8kg

Phase 5: Abdominal Cooldown
5 Rounds (Interval 30s/10s):
1: Plank
2: Abdominal Crunch Machine: 14@41kg, 10@43kg, 10@52kg, 10@52kg, 10@52kg
3: Rest

Phase 6: Afterparty
20 Burpees (Time: 0:59)
št 17.11.2016 Trening: "Azure"

1500m Swimming [Plavanie] #58 (60x25m) @Bratislava-Petržalka, Slovakia
pi 18.11.2016 Trening: "Jollyscarf"

Phase 1: Primer
10min Run (Distance: 2.06km, Average speed: 12.36km/h)
2min Walk (Distance: 100m, Average speed: 3.00km/h, Total: 171 Cal)

1 Round:
1: 10 Power Clean @20kg
2: 10 Strict Press @20kg

Phase 2: Power WOD „The Corrupter“, for Time
Buy In: 100 Single Unders
4 Rounds:
  1: 20 KB Swings @20kg
  2: 6 Power Clean @50kg
  3: 6 Push Press @50kg
  4: 10 Pull Ups
Buy Out: 50 Butterfly Sit-ups
(Time: 20:40)

Phase 3: Strong-Conditioning
6 Rounds:
15m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
   & 15m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push]
60s Rest
      Round #1-2: @20kg,    #3-4: @30kg,    #5-6: @40kg
(Total Time: 8:50, Distance: 180m)

so 19.11.2016 Rest day
ne 20.11.2016 Trening: "The Deserter"

Phase 1: Primer
1 Round:
10 Deadlift @60kg

Phase 2: Power WOD „The Deserter“
20 Min AMRAP:
  1: 2 Deadlift @90kg
  2: 10 Box Jumps @50cm
  3: 100 Single Unders
  4: 10 KB Swings @20kg
(Total: 6 Rounds + 2 reps, Counts: 600 S.Unders, 60 B.Jumps/Swings, 14 D.lifts)

Phase 3: Strength
3 Rounds:
  1: 10 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 15° @20kg
  2: 5 Pull Ups
(Time: 8:00)

3 Rounds:
  1: 10 Incline Lying Triceps French presses w/ EZ bar @25kg
  2: 8 Biceps Curls with EZ bar @25kg
(Time: 8:00)

2 Rounds:
15 Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls @8kg
po 21.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W10D1 “Prisma”

Phase 1: Primer
5 Rounds:
  1: 10 KB Swing @16kg
  2: 10 Mountain Climber
  3: 10 Air Squats
(Time: 4:18, Total: 50 reps of each)

Phase 2: Strength
9 Rounds:
  Back Squat
  Rest 120s-240s
      Note: Silový retest na drep. Posledná séria je viac ako 100% pôvodného maxima a iba ak sa fakt budeš cítiť na to. V prípade, že pocitovo nebude “tvoj deň” tak vykonaj s 85% maximálny počet opakovaní.
      Round #1: 10 Squat @50kg,    #2: 8 Squat @70kg,       #3: 5 Squat @90kg,
      Round #4: 4 Squat @100kg,    #5: 2 Squat 90% @115kg,
      Round #6: 1 Squat 92,5% @118kg,             #7: 1 Squat 95% @123kg,
      Round #8: 0 Squat 102,5% @130kg,          #9: Max (5) Squat 85% @108kg
(Time: 32:00)

Phase 3: Conditioning
3 Rounds (21-15-9):
  1: Power Clean @40kg
  2: Pull-ups
  3: Sit-ups
(Time: 13:48, Total: 44 reps of each)
ut 22.11.2016 Trening: "Chocolatemoon"

Phase 1: Strong I
9 Rounds:
15m Prowler Rope Pulling [pritahovanie prowlera lanom]
   & 15m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push]
      Round #1-2: @10kg,  #3: @15kg,  #4: @20kg,  #5-9: @25kg
(Time: 18:00)

Phase 2: Strong II
7 Rounds:
10m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push]
      Round #1-2: @155kg,  #3-4: @175kg,  #5: @195kg,  #6-7: @210kg
(Time: 22:00)

Phase 3: Strong III Conditioning
Buy In:
  10 Pull-Ups
12 Rounds (Interval 30s/15s):
  12 Sledgehammer Slams [Kladivo]
Buy Out:
  10 Pull-Ups
  15 Parallel Bar dips [Tricepsové kliky na bradlach]
st 23.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W10D2 “Cindy”

Phase 1: Primer
10min Run (Distance: 2.07km, Average speed: 12.42km/h)
2min Walk (Distance: 110m, Average speed: 3.30km/h, Total: 172 Cal)

Phase 2: Strength
8 Rounds:
  Rest 120s+
      Round #1:   10 Deadlift @60kg,                  #2: 10 Deadlift @80kg,
      Round #3:    6 Deadlift @100kg,                 #4: 4 Deadlift @110kg,
      Round #5-6: 1 Deadlift 90%RM @130kg,  #7: 1 Deadlift @135kg,
      Round #8:    1 Deadlift @150kg [PB]
(Time: 28:00)

Phase 3: Conditioning
  1: 5 Pull-up
  2: 10 Push-up
  3: 15 Air Squat
(Total: 17 Rounds + 4 reps, Total: 89 Pull-Ups, 170 Push-Ups, 255 A.Squats)

Phase 4: Afterparty
2 Rounds:
  8 Front Plate Overhead Press @20kg
1 Round:
  20 Behind Head Strict Press @20kg
št 24.11.2016 Rest day
pi 25.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W10D3 “Black Friday”

Phase 1: Primer
7 Rounds:
  1: 5 Deadlift @30kg
  2: 5 Hang Power Clean @30kg
  3: 5 Strict Press @30kg
  4: 40m Run
      Note: Kľudné tempo, kvalita a plný rozsah pohybu sú základom.
(Time: 10:15, Total: 35 reps of each, 280m Run)

Phase 2: Strength
9 Rounds:
  Bench Press
      Round #1: 10 @50kg,    #2: 8 @60kg,      #3: 5 @80kg,
      Round #4:  5 @90kg,     #5: 3 @100kg,    #6: 3 @102.5kg,
      Round #7:  2 @110kg,   #8: 1 @110kg,    #9: 1 @100kg
      Note: Postupne prikladáme na činku až po max 122,5kg. Dnes sa mi nepodarilo dvihnúť 120kg.
(Total: 36min)

Phase 3: Conditioning
5 Rounds - EMOM 15min:
  1. min: 15 Burpees
  2. min: 5 Power Clean + Strict Press @40kg
  3. min: Rest
Buy Out:
  1: 50 Sit-Ups
  2: 10 Pull-Ups
(Total: 75 Burpees, 50 Sit-Ups, 25 Clean&Press, 10 Pull-Ups)
so 26.11.2016 Trening: "The Bull"

Phase 1: Primer
10 Rounds:
  1: 5 Deadlift @60kg
  2: 5 Burpees
(Time: 9:45, Total: 50 reps of each)

Phase 2: Power WOD „The Bull“
20 Min AMRAP:
  1: 2 Front Squat @40kg
  2: 2 Deadlift @100kg
  3: 210m Run
  4: 10 Jumping Lunges
(Total: 7 Rounds + 4 & 140m, Count: 16 F.Squat/Deadlifts, 1610m Run, 70 J.Lunges)

Phase 3: Afterparty
4 Rounds:
  1: Barbell Biceps Curls
  2: Weighted Parallel Bar dips [Tricepsové kliky na bradlách so záťažou]
      Round #1:      6 Bic.Curls @30kg   +   8 Dips @15kg
      Round #2:      6 Bic.Curls @30kg   +   8 Dips @24kg
      Round #3-4:  6 Bic.Curls @35kg   +   6 Dips @36kg
Buy Out:
  12 Pull-Ups
ne 27.11.2016 Trening: "The Martyr"

Part A:
Walk 6.27km (Time: 1:23:39, Average speed: 4.5 km/h, 340 Cal)

Part B:
Phase 1: Power WOD „The Martyr“
Buy In: 100 Single Unders
5 Rounds:
  1: 15 Pull-Ups
  2: 15 Burpees
  3: 15 Box Jumps @50cm
Buy Out: 100 Sit-Ups
(Total Time: 33:33, Count: 100 S.Ups/S.Und., 75 reps of P.Ups/Burpees/B.Jumps)

Phase 2: Strong Afterparty
5 Rounds (Interval 30s/15s):
  1: 40 Rope waves
  2: 20m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push] @15kg
  3: 20m Low Bar Prowler Push [nizky prowler push] @15kg
(Total Time: 11:00, Count: 200 R.Waves, 100m High/Low P.Push)
po 28.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W11D1 “Garage”

Phase 1: Primer
5 Rounds – EMOM 10min:
  1min: Run Slow
  1min: Run Fast
      Note: Začni obe tempa pomaly a každé kola ich posúvaj. Posledné piate kolo je pocitovo naozaj “v tempe”
      Round #1: 1min Slow 9.2km/h,    1min Fast 12.7km/h
      Round #2: 1min Slow 9.4km/h,    1min Fast 12.9km/h
      Round #3: 1min Slow 9.6km/h,    1min Fast 13.1km/h
      Round #4: 1min Slow 9.8km/h,    1min Fast 13.3km/h
      Round #5: 1min Slow  10km/h,    1min Fast 13.7km/h
(Total: 1.95km, Average speed: 11.7km/h, 161 Cal)

Phase 2: Strength Endurance
2 Rounds:
  5 Back Squat @50kg

5 Rounds - EMOM 10min:
  Odd: 5 Squat 80%RM @100kg
  Even: 10 T2B

Rest 5 min

5 Rounds - EMOM 10min:
  Odd: 3 Power Clean @45kg
  Even: 12 Burpees

Rest 5min

10 Rounds - EMOM 10min:
  1min: Max (10) Pull-ups
      Round #1: 10,   #2: 10,    #3: 8,    #4: 7,    #5: 7
      Round #6:  7,    #7: 7,      #8: 6,    #9: 7,    #10: 6
(Total: 75x, 25 missing)

Phase 3: Cooldown
1 Round:
Chin up ISO hold [vydrz v zhybe podhmatom]: 0m:40s
ut 29.11.2016 Trening: STRONGMAN s Adom "Flayme"

Phase 1: Strong
4 Rounds (Interval 30s/30s):
  1: BOSU Plank
  2: 35m High Bar Prowler Push [vysoky prowler push] @50kg, @50kg, @70kg, @70kg
  3: 15m Sled Rope Pulling [pritahovanie sani lanom] @20kg
      + 15m Forward Sled Pulls [Sane vpred] @20kg
  4: 20 Push-up [kliky]
  5: Sledgehammer Slams [Kladivo]: 17x, 17x, 19x, 16x

Phase 2: Afterparty
20 Pull-Ups [zhyby]

st 30.11.2016 Trening: FTIV W11D2 “Headshot”

Phase 1: Warmup
AMRAP 10min:
  1: 20 Jumping Jack
  2: 20 Mountain Climber (each leg)
  3: 40m Run
(Total: 9 Rounds + 22 reps, Counts: 200 J.Jacks, 182 M.Climber, 360m Run)

Phase 2: Strength
10 Rounds:
  5 Strict Press, from ground
      Note: Činku dvíham zo zeme. Prvé série sú build-up - postupne zvyšujem hmotnosť. Následne vykonám ešte ďalšie série.
      Round #1-2:  5 @30kg,     #3-4:  5 @ 40kg,
      Round #5-6:  5 @50kg,     #7-8:  5 @ 55kg,
      Round #9-10: 2 @60kg

Phase 3: Conditioning
2 Rounds:
  8 Deadlift @60kg

5 Rounds (Every 30s):
  odd: 2 Deadlift 80%RM @100kg
  even: 8+ Box Jump @50cm: 10x, 8x, 8x, 8x, 9x
(Total Time: 5:00, 10 DLs, 43 B.Jumps)

Phase 4: After party
50 Strict Push-up
      Note: Pomaly pod kontroulou ca. 3s dole, dotyk hrude o zem, následne chvíľu výdrž a vytlačiť dynamicky späť. Celú dobu pevný stred tela, bez prehybu alebo vytrčenia zadku.
(Time: 3:50)